Sunday, December 19, 2010

It's a dogs life: Take 2

If you read the last post, you'll know that Skilos was not too happy with the argyle jacket I made her.  I thought it was okay - but she was not happy with it and made no bones (get it?) about letting me know she was not happy with it! 

After enough of her evil glares I finally made another jacket for her - this one is pink with large polk-a-dots - which reminds me of a good case of measles. But as you can see below - she seems to love!
Skilos wearing her new jacket waiting for the first customer of the day!

I used a pattern this time AND took her measurements to make sure it would fit.  It didn't take me as long to stitch together as the first jacket did.  And, in my opinion, it wasn't far off from what I threw together without a pattern. 
When I went to go put it on Skilos she looked it over and gave me the OK, by not curling her lips, when I slipped it over her head.
She likes it!  Hey Mikey!  She likes it!
I'm not going to say I spoil her but:  1. She is definitely a Doggy Diva, 2.  She doesn't like "home made" looking items and 3.  She doesn't like argyle - even if it is pink.

Skilos napping with her Teddy Bear/Baby


  1. Pink and orange are to die for. She looks great and she knows it!

  2. She looks happy and content now!
