Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Pajama Bottoms using a Border Fabric

If you are like me you are in love with Amy Butler’s Soul Blossom line of fabric.  Two of my favorites are these border prints:


When I first saw this fabric I thought it would make a cute skirt – which I still think it will.  But I also envisioned a cute pair of pajama bottoms! 

pajama3  pajama1 The ‘trick’ to making these is to open up your fabric and refold so that the border prints are on each end.  

pajama2 I made the pants to fit me so I ended up shorting the pattern piece so that I could get each pattern piece to fit all the way onto the new fabric layout (44”) .  Which then made these a cute pair of capri style pajama pants and perfect for the warmer weather we are bound to get soon!

We are offering a Pajama Bottom class on Saturday, March 19 from 6-9p call the store if you’d like to learn how to make your own border print pajama bottoms. 


  1. Oh this is so cute!! Love that fabric!

  2. Very nice. I love border fabric and capri pj bottoms sound wonderful.
